How do I care for Tillandsias (air plants)?
In your home Tillandsias need bright, indirect light- a west, east or south window during the winter, but no direct sunlight. Immerse...

The Art of Deadheading
Deadheading is a very simple but important way to keep your flowers reblooming. As plants fade out of bloom, pinch or cut off the flower...

Caring for Big Leaf Hydrangeas
Big leaf Hydrangeas bloom on old and new wood so you need to protect the next season's flower buds that form in the fall. In July remove...

How to Re-pot House Plants
The best time for re-potting any plant is generally Spring (March - May). As you see a little new growth, you know your plant is getting...

Why should I have houseplants?
Plants produce oxygen and take in carbon dioxide. Plants also reduce toxins and carcinogens in the air we breathe. Plants have soothing...

Bulb Planting Basics

Caring for Indoor Plants
The most important piece of advice when caring for indoor plants is DO NOT OVERWATER OR KEEP WET. Always check soil first by putting your...

Helpful Hints for Growing Herbs Indoors
​ Herbs have four basic needs: Light, water, proper temperature and fertilizers. Light: Find the sunniest location or grow under...